Rohde & Schwarz is expanding its oscilloscope portfolio with the R&S RTM3000 and R&S RTA4000 series. Their first-in-class, 10-bit vertical resolution enables power measurements fulfilling the more stringent requirements demanded by advanced electronics. The R&S RTA4000, which is also ideal for analyzing serial protocols, even offers an acquisition memory depth up to 1 Gsample.
Munich, January 16, 2018 — The new R&S RTM3000 oscilloscope offers bandwidths of 100 MHz, 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz and 1 GHz. The products incorporate a proprietary 5 Gsample/s 10-bit ADC, and each model includes 40 Msample (80 Msample interleaved) per channel acquisition memory with an optional 400 Msample segmented acquisition memory. The new R&S RTA4000 oscilloscope offers bandwidths of 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz and 1 GHz. These models include the same 10-bit ADC, but have even more memory, with an astonishing 100 Msample (200 Msample interleaved) per channel acquisition memory and standard 1 Gsample (1,000 Msample) segmented acquisition memory. Both instrument series feature a brilliant 10.1″ capacitive touchscreen display to operate quickly and efficiently.
Jörg Fries, Vice President Market Segments for T&M at Rohde & Schwarz, says: “Our engineers continue to bring innovative oscilloscopes to the market that increase measurement confidence. With the only 10-bit resolution and the deepest memory in their respective classes, the new instruments give customers even more compelling reasons to consider Rohde & Schwarz for oscilloscopes. With the addition of the R&S RTM3000 and R&S RTA4000 to the R&S RTB2000 series launched in March 2017, and today’s simultaneous introduction of the R&S RTC1000 series, we have the most up-to-date 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 class instruments on the market.”
10-bit vertical resolution: perfect for power measurements
Power measurements, such as ripple and noise measurements of a DC line, demand an oscilloscope with high vertical resolution, low noise and excellent DC gain linearity.
For most of the last three decades, oscilloscopes have predominantly offered 8 bits of vertical resolution, which allows a signal to be mapped to one of 256 vertical positions. The 10-bit ADCs of the R&S RTM3000 and R&S RTA4000 series support 1024 vertical positions. This is four times better than the common 8-bit oscilloscopes in this segment and essential for ripple and noise measurements. Both oscilloscope series provide extremely low signal noise, while the R&S RTA4000 series also offers class-leading signal integrity characteristics such as a DC gain accuracy down to 1 %.
Unparalleled memory depth: essential for serial protocol Analysis
After bandwidth and sample rate, memory depth is the most important attribute that determines the instrument’s ability to handle a large range of troubleshooting tasks. Additional acquisition memory gives users longer time captures for testing and troubleshooting. This is especially true when analyzing serial communications or power on and off sequences. The R&S RTM3000 series oscilloscopes have eight to 20 times more memory than leading instruments from other manufacturers in this class. With 1 Gsample segmented memory, the R&S RTA4000 series has 200 times more memory than other oscilloscopes in its class that offer segmented memory.
While the R&S RTM3000 series comes in two- and four-channel models, the R&S RTA4000 series oscilloscopes are exclusively four-channel models. Base prices start at EUR 3,190 for the two-channel 100 MHz R&S RTM3002. The four-channel 200 MHz R&S RTA4004 starts at EUR 5,230. For users with more demanding needs, a number of upgrade options are available. These include 16 integrated digital channels with a mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) option, protocol decode and triggering options for a variety of industry standard buses as well as an integrated waveform generator.
The R&S RTM3000 and the R&S RTA4000 oscilloscopes are now available from Rohde & Schwarz and selected distribution channel partners. For further information, go to: www.rohde-schwarz.com/RTM3000 and www.rohde-schwarz.com/RTA4000.