Vicor’s CEO, Patrizio Vinciarelli, is the named recipient of the 2019 IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award with the following citation: “For visionary leadership in the development of high-efficiency, high-power-density power conversion components for distributed power system applications”.
Innovations that push the envelope of efficiency, power density, and flexibility in distributed power systems have fundamentally altered the technical and commercial landscape of power conversion technologies. The summary bio of accomplishments pertaining to the 2019 IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award reads as follows:
“Smaller and more efficient power modules have accelerated the evolution of distributed power architectures, enabling power systems with higher efficiency, power density, and other key performance attributes. Patrizio Vinciarelli’s patented contributions led to new power distribution architectures, Zero-Current Switching (ZCS) and Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) power conversion topologies, and advanced power packaging. His Factorized Power Architecture (FPA) leveraged current multiplication modules that can efficiently deliver hundreds of amperes at voltages less than 1V. His Converter Housed in Package (CHiP) scalable packaging technology has enabled higher levels of power system efficiency and density. Patrizio Vinciarelli is the named inventor of 151 U.S. patents.” https://www.ieee.org/about/awards/bios/newell-recipients.html