Nexperia announced new high quality, high reliability automotive (AEC-Q101-qualified) and consumer/industrial-qualified MJD 3 A and 8 A power bipolar transistors. The product family includes eight parts housed in the DPAK (TO-252/SOT428C) package and offered in both 80 V and 100 V NPN and PNP versions.
These well-known devices in industry-standard footprint now complement Nexperia’s existing portfolio of high performance bipolar power transistors in the space-saving LFPAK56 package and further expand the company’s total power bipolar discrete offering. Applications include: LED automotive lighting; backlight dimming in LCD displays; linear voltage regulators; relay replacement; motor drives; laser printers and MOSFET drivers.
Nexperia Product Manager, Frank Matschullat, comments: “Nexperia is respected as a high volume, high-quality supplier with a broad customer base. Widening our bipolar transistor portfolio with these higher current MJD devices enables design engineers to benefit from the recognised Nexperia performance advantages. This supports industry’s desire to add efficiency to the supply chain and focus on few premium logistics suppliers such as Nexperia.”
More information on the new MJD power bipolar transistors including product specs and datasheets is available at