Leveraging the Cloud for Efficiency and Security

Tech tools enhance the current business landscape. Few enterprises don’t utilize software to support operations in some fashion. This includes helping to streamline human resources (HR) and recruitment activities. It’s important to note, though, that embracing great software doesn’t necessarily require you to put a lot of pressure on your own servers and systems. 

Developers are increasingly creating cloud platforms that take the network burden away from individual companies, hosting their tools in online spaces. Migrating to the cloud can hold significant benefits for recruitment practices and more efficient and secure business operations. Let’s look a little closer at how best to leverage the cloud.

Identify the Right Platforms

One of the great things about the rise of the digital landscape is that there is a wealth of cloud-based platforms. At the same time, it’s important to make informed choices here. Some of the areas for focus in different cloud tools include the following.

Cloud Accounting

Cloud accounting software has various benefits for businesses, aside from the cost savings of not having to use your own servers and mitigating information technology (IT) maintenance. These platforms also enable greater accessibility to financial information and tools, wherever users happen to be working. This means that HR and leadership can assess current capital to get informed insights into recruitment costs at any given time. Multiple people can also use the platform at once, allowing teams to collaborate on both day-to-day financial tasks and those related to funding recruitment projects.

Before engaging with cloud accounting, though, it’s important to research whether the platforms you’re considering have tools that are comparable to the software you’re currently using. It’s also wise to assess the learning curve for adopting a cloud accounting platform. Give staff opportunities to try out the tools to see how intuitive the processes are and how much training would be required to introduce them into your finance workflow.

Cloud Applicant Tracking

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are a commonplace feature for businesses of all sizes. Currently, cloud ATS platforms are loaded with a wealth of tools without putting unnecessary pressure on companies’ servers. This makes these particularly useful for smaller enterprises and those that operate remotely.

When considering a cloud ATS, it’s wise to start by ensuring customizable features. Each company has individual recruitment and candidate management needs and a cloud platform that is too rigid in its functions is unlikely to be suitable. Additionally, it’s important to understand how self-contained the features are, such as integrating a full range of screening analytics, video call tools for interviews, and e-signing for contracts. The less you have to switch between platforms, the more efficient your recruiting is likely to be.

Making the Most of the Cloud

The cloud is an agile tool but still requires some investment from your company. Like all investments, it’s important to squeeze the most value out of it. The last thing you want is to put capital into the cloud and not use it to its highest efficacy or efficiency potential.

Some steps you can adopt include:

  • Experiment with features: In many cases, you’ll choose cloud platforms to handle specific tasks in your organization. Yet, such tools may also have features you’re not already familiar with, such as artificial intelligence (AI) driven automation of data entry or potential uses in areas of your organization other than recruiting. This openness to new processes can reveal previously untapped solutions that boost productivity and support a culture of innovation in your business.
  • Provide training: One of the ways to minimize lag from skills gaps and start gaining from the efficiency of cloud platforms is to invest in training. This might include subsidizing certifications in cloud tools and perhaps designing peer training programs for colleagues to mentor one another.
  • IoT Sec: Companies reliant on hardware can take advantage of cloud-enabled wearable technology to bolster their security. For example, NFC tags — short-range, sticker-like corresponders — can easily be stuck on employee phones, wallets, and ID badges to make access seamless. Meanwhile, tracking NFCs like Apple AirTags can track stolen devices.

Alongside these measures, getting the most from cloud platforms also requires regularly reviewing their efficacy. One of the great aspects of the cloud is you can usually easily cancel subscriptions to platforms that aren’t working for you.

Protecting Data

Another reason for leveraging cloud platforms in recruitment is the robust security these tools offer. Cloud developers tend to invest heavily in data security measures, offering various levels of protection against breaches. After all, these developers’ reputations rest on not just the efficiency of their tools but their ability to keep consumers’ data safe.

That said, you can’t just take a passive approach to data protection. It’s important to strengthen your stance with some cloud security best practices. These should include implementing strict access controls to reduce unnecessary interactions with data. Identity and Access Management (IAM) options in your cloud software enable you to limit certain types of data handling to staff members with specific roles. Moreover, it’s important to ensure cybersecurity awareness is a priority among current staff and recruits.

It’s also wise to adopt wider network security controls. Even when you’re using cloud tools, breaches of your network may disrupt your connected cloud tools. Putting up firewalls alongside intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) enables your IT team to spot and address breaches before they reach your cloud software. When staff are using cloud tools outside of the office, adopting virtual private networks (VPNs) can make your systems less vulnerable.

Remember: This is a vital part of customer satisfaction, as people only do business with companies they can trust. Businesses that fail to protect data will lose that trust — even if you provide responsive customer support and have high-quality products. As such, consider training your support team about data protection so as to ensure customers know their data is in good hands.


The cloud offers the potential for greater efficiency both for recruiting and wider operations. Leveraging it involves paying attention to finding the right tools, adapting aspects of activities for efficiency, and adopting robust security practices. Remember, too, that the cloud landscape is constantly changing. By regularly reviewing your needs and being open to trying new practices, you can find the cloud unlocks more effective candidate management and supports a more successful enterprise.