High-performance electric drives are controlled by means of IGBT semiconductor elements. In order to realize the necessary electrical isolation between controller board and driver board, the data is transmitted via fiber optic cable. HARTING is breaking new ground here and offering miniaturized interface solutions with integrated electro-optical conversion. The customer saves time and money.
Electric motors with more than 500 kW of power, such as those used on ships, in trains or pumping stations, use IGBT semiconductors for speed control. These can switch large loads with very low tax rates. Since the insulation and voltage requirements are very high, plastic optical fibers (POF) transmit the signals necessary for IGBT control. The POF fibers ensure trouble-free and galvanically isolated signal transmission.
In order to simplify the connection of the POF fibers, to save space on the controller board and to reduce downtimes during servicing, HARTING integrates the electro-optical conversion into application-specific plug-in connectors. The customer saves time and money.
For traction control on trains, a solution is available for up to 16 optical channels in a DIN D20 metal housing. In the harsh industrial environment, there is a Han 10A housing variant in IP 65/67 with up to eight channels. The portfolio is completed by a plug-in 8-channel module for direct connection to the printed circuit board in the control cabinet.
The fibers are connected in all variants by means of a metal clip, which fixes the fibers vibration-proof without additional optical contact. In addition to the possibility of field assembly, HARTING offers the modules as ready-to-use and tested cable assemblies. A compact, robust and service-friendly solution that brings security and cost benefits to the user.