Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG is launching Infineon Power Start designed for low voltage soft starter applications. The new module family meets the market’s needs for cost effective and compact semiconductor solutions. With its new design, Power Start focusses on reducing complexity and number of components. Customers, in return, profit from shorter development times and simplified production processes of soft starters. Typical low voltage soft start applications include belt conveyors, big fans, and mills. Most of all they can be found in pumps which are used for water and waste water transportation as well as for oil production.
The new design concept of the Power Start module allows for one slim foot-print of 55 mm fitting a broad range of current classes. In comparison, other existing soft start solutions need several different housings. This new feature enables straightforward integration of the module together with the bypass contactor into the typical design space. Power Start provides an integrated heatsink and can be mounted easily and without having to use thermal grease. The module makes use of double sided cooling, thus it can withstand overload currents of up to 2200 A for duration of 21 seconds. This delivers an industry leading power to price ratio.
The new soft starter modules are available with blocking voltages of 1600 V in the current classes starting at 800 A, 1400 A, 1900 A, and 2200 A. Infineon Technologies Bipolar is planning to release additional module types with blocking voltages of 2200 V. More information about Power Start is available at www.infineon.com/powerstart