WinMagic, an award-winning encryption and key management solution provider, is today encouraging enterprises to adopt server encryption as part of their regular data security strategy – even if those servers are behind lock and key.
When it comes to server protection, many enterprises overlook physical security risks. The common myth surrounding servers is that because the servers are in a data center, or otherwise behind lock and key, and because the data is in perpetual use, encrypting the drives is really unnecessary as the data is never at-rest. Leaving servers unencrypted is a risk that enterprises simply can’t afford – especially with evolving data privacy compliance requirements such as the EU-GDPR and the California Data Privacy Law.
Enterprise Manageability
WinMagic’s SecureDoc for Servers and OSA (Operating System Agnostic) for Servers help enterprises lock down their physical infrastructure investment, offering software or hardware full disk encryption and a host of other features to seamlessly manage and secure the data residing on a company’s servers. In the event of the theft or loss of an encrypted drive, with the assistance of WinMagic’s intelligent key management, the drive can be quickly crypto-erased if operational, and if not, the data is rendered inaccessible with removal of the encryption key – mitigating the damage as a result of a data breach.
The strength of SecureDoc is in its versatility. SecureDoc is able to manage operating system native software encryption (Windows, Apple and Linux), Self-Encrypting Drives, and SecureDoc’s own FIPS 140-2 certified software encryption. SecureDoc is compatible with the most advanced storage approaches and common operating systems, eliminating many of the common hassles associated with encryption management. In addition, SecureDoc’s PBConnex solution, a unique pre-boot network-based functionality which authenticates encrypted devices to the network before the operating system ever loads, ensures that data is never exposed without proper credentials being verified before the standard operating system log-in process.
The bottom line is that organizations should encrypt all servers in the branch or office server closet, data center, or in the colocation facility. This protects the business and data in the event of the physical removal of hard drives. With todays’ encryption solutions becoming much less impactful on device performance, and with increasing data privacy compliance requirements and the fines attached with a compliance failure, there is no justifiable reason not to encrypt data at every point within the business. It’s simply a healthy data security health practice