SP Telecom, a joint venture between ST Engineering and SP Group, on April 23, announced its plans to build a fibre network equipped with intelligence capabilities as an alternative to the existing network infrastructure in Singapore.
The new Software-Defined Network with Network Functions Virtualization (SDN-NFV) will enable users to have holistic network management that provides greater control, visibility and scalability for their network. Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, it can predict and prevent network congestion to ensure uninterrupted connectivity. It is also inbuilt with cybersecurity capabilities, making SP Telecom’s network a resilient, secure, and cost-effective alternative solution for government organisations and enterprises, in particular for those that serve critical functions.
SP Telecom is currently the only network service provider that offers true network diversity.
In Singapore, different network providers utilise a common network infrastructure for their
service offerings. A service outage that affects this common infrastructure will impact all
customers on the shared facility, regardless of the network provider. Therefore, network
disruption cannot be completely avoided even by subscribing to two or more network
providers. SP Telecom’s fibre network addresses this issue by offering diversified
connectivity, by laying its fibre alongside SP Group’s power lines. This will create a
separate and distinct network infrastructure, which is also more durable than other fibre
cables due to better physical protection being buried deeper underground.
The new intelligent network that SP Telecom is building will further enhance its diversified
network offering with next-generation cloud-like agility and flexibility to cater to the dynamic network demands of today’s enterprises. Network functions can be deployed as a serviceon-demand without costly hardware investment. This includes bandwidth on-demand, access to the Internet of Things-as-a-Service (IoT-a-a-S) platform, edge cloud resources, and cybersecurity enhancements. Customers will enjoy cost savings as they can opt for usage-based charging, instead of traditional fixed price plans and long-term contracts.
This is enabled by the state-of-the-art Business and Operation Support System (B/OSS)
that delivers end-to-end zero-touch service ordering, provisioning and managing capabilities. Through a secure Customer Service Portal that runs on a cloud network, businesses will be able to instantly request for connectivity services, manage their network requirements dynamically with minimal human intervention, and configure network functions according to their needs. Through this journey, customers will also be kept up to date with real-time service deployment updates and alerts.
SP Telecom has engaged PCCW Solutions as its consultancy partner to develop this end to-
end SDN-NFV fibre network solution. Combined with telecommunications, network and
information technology capabilities from PCCW Group, PCCW Solutions will contribute its
extensive experience and proven expertise to support SP Telecom in delivering an
advanced, next-generation business network.