Would you like to be able to change your advertisements on a regular basis? Or simply add atmosphere to a room? Then use an aluminum textile frame (translation: aluminium textielframe) in which you can stretch a textile cloth. You can order the frames in different thicknesses and colors. Since you can put this together yourself, it will always fit into your interior. Which types of textile frames are available and the various advantages you can read about in this article.
What types of textile frames are there?
Textile frames can be hung on the wall or ceiling. You can also use them as freestanding frames. What the advantages of each type of frame are you can discover in a short explanation below.
Wall frame
You can install a wall frame on the wall of your store, restaurant, office or other space. This is the most commonly used type of textile frame. This type is popular because it hangs at eye level for those for whom the advertisement or message on your canvas is intended.
Free-standing frame
A freestanding frame can stand on its own and is ideal in a store window, store or showroom. In addition, you can use it in the office or in restaurants as a dividing wall. This is convenient so you can create more privacy.
Ceiling frame
With a ceiling frame you can hang advertising from the ceiling. This is ideal in shopping paths. You can also hang a ceiling frame on the ceiling. This is done to decorate an unflattering ceiling. Another application where ceiling frames are used is to make the best use of the space in exhibition stands.
LED frame
A freestanding frame and a wall frame can also be fitted with LED lighting if you like. This will make your advertisement stand out even more. Even in the dark!
Advantages of textile frame
The textile cloth that you tighten in a textile frame is also called tendon cloth (translation: peesdoek). This is because the fabric has a tendon that you can easily mount in the frame. This is also the great advantage of a textile frame as an advertising tool. You can replace the cloth very easily. This is for example ideal if you want to promote a temporary action or promotion. Or you want to change your image every season.