Technology advances faster each day, and it has a significant impact on many spheres. One of the biggest steps in technical development is artificial intelligence (AI). With AI’s help, many processes can be automatized, and it simplifies the work for difficult trades such as metallurgy, building, book printing, and others. When students learn artificial intelligence, they often like to describe their understanding of this subject in academic works.
But when it comes to the process of writing about AI it becomes confusing. Writing an essay about AI takes a lot of time and effort. That is why a lot of students eventually prefer to buy college essay in order to get a clear, understandable, and engaging piece of writing. The difficulties of writing about AI come with its widespread use. Artificial intelligence is gradually coming to all branches of human activity, making ordinary software complexes intelligent: medicine and health care, online retail, politics, industry, gaming, education, and more.
Indeed, the field is interesting. But students might have trouble engaging the audience and presenting their ideas clearly. Thus, many of them are looking for a paper service out of fear of not meeting academic standards. After all, one has to structure their paper logically and adhere to certain formatting guidelines.
Moreover, each student should avoid plagiarism and provide enough supporting details for their essay.
Often they don’t know how to do it properly and ask special writing services like WritingCheap for assistance. Otherwise, they can research online for more information or read our article with prominent tips on how to write an essay on AI effortlessly.
1. Choose a topic.
Firstly, you must research where AI is used and why it is beneficial for humanity. This helps you select the most interesting topic for your project and come up with a central idea. There are many fields AI is used in today, so go through the various aspects to choose the most engaging topic for your essay. Believe it or not, but when you write an essay on a subject you are barely engaged in, readers will also not be interested in the content. You can consider one of these themes and develop them with your imagination:
- Applications of AI.
- Emotions, awareness, and consciousness in AI machines.
- Decision-making systems.
- Chess programs and their method of reacting to situations.
- AI and transport.
- Popular AI-based software.
- Natural language processing (NLP) and AI usage.
- How AI can be used in healthcare.
- Will AI replace human resources in all industries?
- AI and language: how can AI technologies be helpful for people worldwide?
2. Provide an engaging introduction.
Beginning your essay, consider writing it with your whole heart. Make sure you’ve chosen an interesting topic so you can engage your reader. Try to start from a general fact or unique idea that came to your mind while brainstorming. Like any academic essay, the starting point of an introduction on AI consists of a hook, thesis statement, and three key points which reveal your research method. An essay introduction about AI should have five-six sentences maximum and be a length of 100-150 words. Indeed, it depends on the overall volume, so remember that the introduction is no more than 10-20% of the entire essay.
3. Write a valuable body.
The body is 80% of the entire essay, so it should have enough ground for discussion. Include such elements as topic sentences and reveal them with evidence from sources. While researching, note down important information you can add during the writing process. Even if you are writing an essay on AI for the first time, remember that the first draft always matters.
Create three body paragraphs that are relevant to your topic and thesis statement. In the first one, you can reveal the first position toward the thesis. Provide strong support from valuable sources such as a book, scientific article, or video. Make sure you format all quotes correctly to avoid plagiarizing content. Indeed, your essay can contain more than three paragraphs, but we are providing the most common academic writing requirements.
4. Conclude logically.
Coming up with a concise and meaningful conclusion for an AI essay is sometimes more overwhelming than it seems at first sight. For instance, students can step away from the main idea and start to discuss something new. We caution not to begin any new conversation at the end of your essay because it only distracts the readers and makes your teacher lower your grade.
The summary is the final point of your essay that should confirm the content you’ve written in the essay and present the last thoughts concerning it. While writing an argumentative essay on artificial intelligence, tell your readers why your work is valuable and what your opinion means to other scholarly researchers.
5. Edit as if you are doing it for the last time.
Imagine that you have only one chance to improve your issues, so you spend your time editing more productively. When you focus on your text, you have a better understanding of what you’ve written about. With this attitude, you can see better which parts suit the overall context and which ones you should consider cutting. Concentrate on grammatical, punctuation, and spelling issues to prevent misunderstandings.
Indeed, the subject of AI represents a solid scientific discipline where students need to sort out different technological definitions. Still, you don’t need to depict complex statements which you don’t get yourself. Explain everything as simply as you would teach a first-grade kid from elementary school, and the reader will evaluate your diligence.
6. Format your essay according to the instructions.
As with any essay on computing science or technology, your work on AI should be formatted according to strict requirements. Formatting style includes instructions on fonts, title page, indents, margins, additional elements (picture, tables, graphs, figures, calculations, code, etc.), citations, and references list. Try to check everything before sending it to your teacher; otherwise, your essay could be rejected.
When you reference all quotes correctly and redirect the reader to cited works in the list, you save your AI essay from plagiarism. A reader can distinguish your opinion from evidence taken by different authors, so consider formatting seriously.
7. Keep it simple.
Instead of trying to connect yourself to the smart researchers’ community (we are sure you are smart), try to avoid long sentences and big words. Usually, it looks like the student pretends to be more serious, and it spoils everything. Let your reader understand your outlook even if you have to explain a complex subject with simple words. As we said earlier, try to speak to your reader through the lens of an elementary school teacher. Sometimes it is better to sound simpler but confident than smarter but vague. Anyway, if you have a perfect essay idea and individual approach, it doesn’t matter which definitions you use to deliver information to your reader. The main thing is it should be easy to understand.
8. Make it unique.
Don’t repeat after others because AI is an excellent field for new findings! As we said in the previous tip, if your essay maintains an original idea, it would be interesting for the reader to get into it. Think about AI as a field that is new to all humankind. It is actually new to us, so describe it in your essay. Having a first draft is a great point to analyze where you have borrowed content and your own personal outlook. It is not bad if you rely on someone’s works or cite other scientists, but it is more valuable to include unique findings in your project.
9. Read more literature and watch other researchers.
Check your essay one more time concerning repeated thoughts and hypotheses. You can compare the literature you’ve used to write an AI essay with other documents, articles, videos, and books that you haven’t included yet. It doesn’t mean you should rewrite your essay; you can always understand where to move forward.
An essay about AI is not only about training your writing skills and checking your knowledge, but it is a great first step to a practical scientific career. Find out how others explore the topic you work on and see how you can improve your approach. Try not to add like/dislike opinions towards someone’s findings; note down valuable quotes from discussions to place them in your further research.
10. Finally: make it happen!
Anyway, every student dreams of being recognizable in the scientific community, so try to write your AI essay like you are the first person to explore this discipline. At this last stage, we recommend turning back to the very first tip, where you should choose an engaging topic. Don’t underestimate this advice because you can significantly simplify your writing process if you choose a subject you are interested in. Show your work to a tutor, peer, or find an AI expert who works in this field. Ask for their advice and consider them while continuing work on your project.