Mobile Network Experience Report _ May 2024 _ C Opensignal Limited

Opensignal, the globally renowned authority on mobile network experiences, has released its latest report analyzing the performance of Saudi Arabia’s primary mobile network operators. The report, covering the period from January 1, 2024, to March 30, 2024, provides a comprehensive overview of the capabilities of Mobily, stc, and Zain in delivering exceptional mobile network services to users across the country.

In this in-depth examination, the report highlights significant improvements in 5G speeds and advancements across all operators. Notably, stc and Mobily jointly claimed the top spot for both 5G Download and Upload Speeds, reaching speeds over 240Mbps and 25Mbps respectively. Mobily also took home the crown for Consistent Quality and overall network Reliability, while stc maintained its lead in Coverage Experience and 5G Coverage Experience. These results showcase a competitive and improving mobile network landscape in Saudi Arabia, with users experiencing faster speeds and more consistent connections.

Coverage Leadership

stc continues to dominate in coverage experience, excelling both overall and in 5G coverage. The operator’s commitment to providing extensive coverage and high-quality service is underscored by its notable improvement in 5G coverage compared to the previous report.

In terms of speed, stc maintains its position as the fastest operator, leading in both download and upload speed experiences. The operator’s consistent performance in delivering high-speed connectivity reaffirms its dedication to providing users with a seamless mobile network experience.

Reliability Experience

Mobily emerges as the leader in reliability experience, securing the Reliability Experience award outright with an impressive score. This recognition further solidifies Mobily’s position as a reliable and trustworthy mobile network operator in Saudi Arabia.

Mobily also shines in video and games experiences, claiming outright wins in both categories. Users on Mobily’s network enjoy top-notch video streaming and gaming experiences, reflecting the operator’s commitment to enhancing entertainment services for its customers.

Future Competition

Zain’s commitment to enhancing its network capabilities is evident through its plans to expand 5G-Advanced to the top eight cities in Saudi Arabia between 2024 and 2026. This initiative follows the successful launch of 5G-Advanced in Riyadh last year, which was utilized to offer enhanced Fixed Wireless Access services. By focusing on the deployment of advanced technologies like 5G-Advanced, Zain aims to improve connectivity and provide cutting-edge services to its customers across key urban centers in the country.

Although Zain did not secure any awards in the latest report, the company’s strategic investments in next-generation technologies and network expansion demonstrate its dedication to staying competitive in the rapidly evolving telecom sector in Saudi Arabia. Zain’s efforts to enhance its network infrastructure and services align with the broader industry trends towards improved connectivity, higher speeds, and enhanced user experiences.

Opensignal‘s Saudi MNE report not only evaluates the performance of mobile network operators but also sheds light on significant industry developments, such as stc Group’s 5G network expansion and Zain’s plans for accelerating 5G-Advanced deployment in key cities.