Mouser Electronics, Inc. is now stocking the second generation of Grid-EYE infrared (IR) array sensors from Panasonic. This new generation of Grid-EYE sensors — fully compatible with first generation Grid-EYE sensors — feature improved accuracy through an updated Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) of 0.16 degrees Celsius at 10Hz and 0.05 degrees Celsius at 1 Hz with detection distance up to 7 meters.
Panasonic’s second-generation Grid-EYE IR array sensors, available from Mouser Electronics, integrate a more sensitive MEMS sensor chip, a digital ASIC (I2C interface), and a silicon lens in a small 11.6mm × 8mm × 4.3mm package — approximately 70 percent smaller than similar products. The parts feature 64 thermopile elements in an 8×8 grid format that detect absolute surface temperature without any contact. Unlike conventional sensors, Grid-EYE uses a patented 60-degree silicon lens etched out of a silicon wafer, which, at less than 0.3mm, is the smallest available lens in the market.
The Grid-EYE sensors provide thermal images by measuring actual temperature and temperature gradients. The high-gain AMG8833/34 and low-gain AMG8853/54 sensors enable detection of multiple persons, identification of positions and direction of movement, almost independent of ambient light conditions without disturbing privacy as with conventional cameras. The contactless sensors enable high-performance measurements for safety, household appliances, medical systems, lighting control, industrial controls, and many other applications.