What does industrial IoT Stands for?
IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is the form of Internet of things used in manufacturing to automate the machines and robots. It is the networks of connected machines, big data, softwares and electronics devices which incorporates in automation technology to automate the industrial work.
How does IIoT wroks?
IIoT is the extended part of IoT used in industries to automate the work. It is the networks of connected devices. All the mechanical, electrical, electronic devices are interconnected through software and big data. A centralized system controls all the devices on the basis of collected and processed data. You can see a live example of IIoT in an auto manufacturing unit where whole vehicle is assembled by robots.
Industrial IoT Companies worldwide:
There are number of companies which are already working on IIoT and some of them have started testing their products in live environment. Here is the list of companies around the globe.
Company Name | City Location | Website | Ranking |
IBM | United States | https://www.ibm.com/ | 1 |
SAP | Germany | https://www.sap.com/ | 2 |
Cisco | United States | http://www.cisco.com/ | 3 |
Intel | United States | http://www.intel.in/ | 4 |
General Electric | United States | http://www.ge.com/ | 5 |
Bosch | Germany | https://www.bosch-si.com/ | 6 |
ABB | Switzerland | http://new.abb.com/ | 7 |
Siemens | Germany | https://www.siemens.com/ | 8 |
Dell | United States | http://www.dell.com/ | 9 |
Ericsson | Sweden | https://www.ericsson.com/ | 10 |
AT&T | United States | https://www.att.com/ | 11 |
NEC | Japan | http://www.nec.com/ | 12 |
United States | https://cloud.google.com/ | 13 | |
Microsoft | United States | https://www.microsoft.com/ | 14 |
Verizon | United States | http://www.verizonenterprise.com/ | 15 |
Fujitsu | Japan | http://www.fujitsu.com/ | 16 |
Vodafone | United Kingdom | http://www.vodafone.com/ | 17 |
PTC (Thingworx) | United States | http://www.ptc.com/ | 18 |
Huawei | China | http://www.huawei.com/ | 19 |
Digi | United States | https://www.digi.com/ | 20 |
Hitachi | Japan | http://www.hitachiconsulting.com/ | 21 |
Honeywell | United States | https://www.honeywellprocess.com/ | 22 |
RTI | United States | https://www.rti.com/ | 23 |
Oracle | United States | https://www.oracle.com/ | 24 |
Schneider Electric | France | http://www.schneider-electric.com/ | 25 |
LG | South Korea | http://www.lg.com/ | 26 |
Toshiba | Japan | http://www.toshiba.com/ | 27 |
ARM | United Kingdom | http://www.arm.com/ | 28 |
Panasonic | Japan | http://www.panasonic.com/ | 29 |
Nokia | Finland | http://www.nokia.com/ | 30 |
National Instruments | United States | http://www.ni.com/ | 31 |
Qualcomm | United States | https://www.qualcomm.com/ | 32 |
Gemalto | Netherlands | http://www.gemalto.com/ | 33 |
Virtustream | United States | http://www.virtustream.com/ | 34 |
ZTE | China | http://www.zte.com.cn/global/ | 35 |
Rockwell | United States | http://www.rockwellautomation.com/ | 36 |
Amazon Web Services | United States | https://aws.amazon.com/ | 37 |
Red Hat | United States | https://www.redhat.com/ | 38 |
Samsung Electronics | South Korea | http://www.samsung.com/ | 39 |
Emerson | United States | http://www2.emersonprocess.com/ | 40 |
Infosys | India | https://www.infosys.com/ | 41 |
Broadcom | United States | https://www.broadcom.com/ | 42 |
Johnson Controls | United States | http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/ | 43 |
Blackberry | United States | http://global.blackberry.com/ | 44 |
Infineon | Germany | http://www.infineon.com/ | 45 |
VMWare | United States | http://www.vmware.com/ | 46 |
Advantech | Taiwan | http://www.advantech.com/ | 47 |
Cognizant | United States | https://www.cognizant.com/ | 48 |
Deutsche Telekom | Germany | http://m2m.telekom.com/ | 49 |
Moxa | United States | http://www.moxa.com/ | 50 |
Texas Instruments | United States | http://www.ti.com/ | 51 |
Sierra Wireless | Canada | https://www.sierrawireless.com/ | 52 |
Pivotal | United States | https://pivotal.io/ | 53 |
C3 IoT | United States | http://c3iot.com/ | 54 |
NXP | Netherlands | http://www.nxp.com/ | 55 |
Jasper (Cisco) | United States | https://www.jasper.com/ | 56 |
TE Connectivity | Switzerland | http://www.te.com/ | 57 |
Beckhoff | Germany | https://www.beckhoff.com/ | 58 |
Foghorn | United States | https://foghorn-systems.com/ | 59 |
Splunk | United States | https://www.splunk.com/ | 60 |
Aeris | United States | http://www.aeris.com/ | 61 |
MediaTek | Taiwan | https://www.mediatek.com/ | 62 |
WIBU-Systems | Germany | http://www.wibu.com/ | 63 |
Eaton | Ireland | http://www.eaton.com/ | 64 |
Silver Spring Networks | United States | https://www.silverspringnet.com/ | 65 |
CalAmp | United States | http://www.calamp.com/ | 66 |
Auvesy | Germany | http://www.versiondog.com/ | 67 |
Adroit Technologies | South Africa | http://adroittech.co.za/ | 68 |
CSC | United States | http://www.dxc.technology/ | 69 |
Software AG | Germany | http://www2.softwareag.com/ | 70 |
Eseye | United Kingdom | https://www.eseye.com/ | 71 |
Mitsubishi Electric | Japan | https://us.mitsubishielectric.com/ | 72 |
Asavie | Ireland | https://www.asavie.com/ | 73 |
B&R Industrial Automation | Austria | https://www.br-automation.com/ | 74 |
HMS | Sweden | https://www.anybus.com/ | 75 |
BAE Systems | United Kingdom | http://www.baesystems.com/ | 76 |
Accenture | United States | https://www.accenture.com/ | 77 |
ThingStudio | United Kingdom | http://www.thingstud.io/ | 78 |
Flextronic | United States | https://www.flex.com/ | 79 |
Adaptive Wireless | United Kingdom | http://adaptive-wireless.co.uk/ | 80 |
Balluff | Germany | http://www.balluff.com/ | 81 |
Orange | United States | https://www.orange.com | 82 |
Secomea | Denmark | https://secomea.com/ | 83 |
Gambit Communications | United States | https://www.gambitcommunications.com/ | 84 |
Valarm | United States | http://www.valarm.net/ | 85 |
EMC Corporation | United States | https://www.emc.com/en-us/ | 86 |
HiKoB | France | http://www.hikob.com/en/ | 87 |
InterDigital | United States | http://www.interdigital.com/ | 88 |
KORE Wireless | United States | http://www.koretelematics.com/ | 89 |
Bright Wolf | United States | http://brightwolf.com/ | 90 |
Avantis | United Kingdom | http://www.avantis-international.com/ | 91 |
Advantech B+B Smartworx | United States | http://advantech-bb.com/ | 92 |
Urbiotica | Spain | http://www.urbiotica.com/ | 93 |
SparkCognition | United States | https://sparkcognition.com/ | 94 |
Schaffner | Switzerland | http://www.schaffner.com/ | 95 |
Bsquare | United States | https://www.bsquare.com/ | 96 |
Fuji Electric | Japan | http://www.fujielectric.com/ | 97 |
ThingLogix | United States | http://www.thinglogix.com/company/ | 98 |
SenseGrow | United States | http://www.sensegrow.com/ | 99 |
Carriots | Spain | https://www.carriots.com | 100 |
Lanner | USA | https://www.lanner-america.com/ | 101 |