Raspberry pi is a credit- card sized computer .It functions almost as a computer. Here is the list of IoT projects basedon Raspberry Pi.
IoT Based Biometrics Implementation: Biometric is used for authentication and in this project Raspberry Pi is used to build a low-cost biometric system. Raspberry Pi is a kind of mini computers with great capabilities similar to PC. In this project it is used for remote enrollment node to reduce biometric machines system requirement.
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Review on Temperature & Humidity Sensing: In this project your will be using raspberry Pi to build temperature and humidity monitoring system which allows you to monitor and regulate the temperature and humidity of the area.
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Raspberry pi Based Smart Supervisor: This is a USB camera based supervision system which allows you to monitor the motion and convert it into the H.264 video. It is encoded on arm linux platform, then transmitted and decoded and displayed as H.264 video.
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Pi Zero IoT Led Matrix Beamer: This project enables you to design a LED Matrix beamer which allows you to play video and text on walls using internet. You can connect this device with your smart phone and can use it as a projector.
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IoT Temperature Sensor: This project is based on temperature monitoring system which allows you to monitor temperature using thermistor and Raspberry Pi 2.
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IoT Weather Station: A weather monitoring system is designed in this project which is based on Raspberry Pi, IoT and Arduino. This project of the combination of three and allow you to monitor, control and take decision based on data collected through sensors.
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Multi Room Music Player: In this project you will design an IoT based multi room music system. This system allows you to control sound in specific room using IR control and Relay board. One system and play music wherever you want in your home.
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Minimizing Electricity Theft: This system allows you to detect source of electricity theft using IoT, Sensors and Raspberry Pi. You can monitor your electricity consumption using this system.
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