ROHM Group company LAPIS Semiconductor recently announced the availability of a multiband (sub-1GHz/2.4GHz) wireless communication LSI, ML7421, optimized for applications requiring low power consumption over relatively long distances, such as smart meters, gas/fire alarms, smart agriculture and home/building security systems
In recent years, the worldwide increase of energy usage from natural resources has emphasized the need for improved energy efficiency in order to mitigate the effects of global warming. To address this need, the use of smart meters has increased dramatically in Japan since 2015 and the Wireless M-bus system was launched in Europe.
At the same time, there is a trend to collect and manage sensor data using wireless networks not only to optimize energy consumption and lighting in buildings but also for crime and disaster prevention. Furthermore, these wireless sensor networks are becoming increasingly used to improve productivity in agriculture as well.
In response, LAPIS Semiconductor developed new wireless communication LSI, ML7421, delivering high-performance communication. In addition to covering the sub-1GHz frequency band (400MHz to 960MHz), it also covers the 2.4GHz frequency band, providing universal compatibility. This LSI has very stable wireless characteristics even under changing environmental parameters such as voltage and temperature fluctuations. Fluctuations over temperature (-40 to +85℃) are only 0.5dB in TX output power and 1.0dB in RX sensitivity. Furthermore, DCDC converter, high-efficiency class-E power amplifier and a high-speed radio wave check function allow the average current consumption to decrease by 15% compared with conventional LAPIS products, leading to lower system power consumption and longer battery life.
Key Features
- Multiband and stable wireless characteristics and world-wide compatibility
- DC DC converter reduces operating current consumption, and High-speed radio wave check function reduces average current consumption

Smart-metering (Data collectors, Electricity, Gas, Heat and Water meters)
IoT (Internet of Thing) including energy management systems (HEMS/BEMS/FEMS)

For more information visit LAPIS Semiconductor’s website