Electrolube India has recently launched a highly effective AF International branded hand sanitising solution specifically for the Indian market. The product, initially available in a handy circular bottle with a pump top for easy application is now available with flip tops (and trigger sprays coming soon) for even easier application. Additionally a bulk 5l version is available for decanting into smaller bottles. Simply apply to clean hands after usual washing with soap and water and rub in the solution until it evaporates.
Electrolube India, based in Bengaluru are sourcing chemicals and manufacturing the product HSL, locally at their high-tech facilities allowing for swift volume manufacturing and shipment. HSL contains the active ingredients Ethanol, Hydrogen Peroxide and Glycerol, in line with the WHO recommended formula. The Indian Government has granted Electrolube India a special manufacturing licence number in order to produce the highly effective antibacterial hand solution, particularly in light of the current health concerns.
Electrolube India’s General Manager, Padmanabha Shaktivelu comments, “HSL has been created between the Indian and UK Research and Development Teams and we are extremely proud to bring this solution available to the market. There are additional development options to extend the range even further. Electrolube has received outstanding support from the Government with the processing and speed of the manufacturing licence and have a trusted WHO backed formulation especially for India. Electrolube India are also delighted to announce that a supply of sanitising solutions are also being donated to help local vital services including police and small retailers.“ Padmanabha Shaktivelu adds further, “We hope that our small donations will encourage other local services and businesses to follow our example.”
As an EN9100 Quality Management System certified manufacturer of specialist chemical products supplying the worlds’ leading manufacturers of electronic, industrial and domestic devices, Electrolube is a trusted provider of high performance chemical solutions, formulated with the utmost responsibility to the environment and operator.
For further information about the HSL Antibacterial Hand Sanitising Solution and further products from Electrolube’s key product groups, which include conformal coatings, thermal management solutions, contact lubricants, service and maintenance aids and cleaning solutions, please visit http://www.electrolube.com.