A programme of four free virtual events with industry experts will take a close look at Satellite & Space technologies
Rohde & Schwarz announced a programme of Satellite Industry Days, offering a series of online and hybrid events to discuss the latest developments and applications in satellite and space technology. Starting on February 22nd, 2022, four events will enable participants to virtually meet with industry partners and leading experts. Focus topic for the specific events are:
- 1st event: The challenges of new space satellite constellations
- 2nd event: Future steps on non-terrestrial networks and satellite 5G / IOT
- 3rd event: Next-generation satellite designs and quantum cryptography
- 4th event: Development of high- and very-high throughput satellite designs
“We are excited about the range of topics in this event series and look forward to welcome leading industry experts from both, research institutes and the industry. In the first event for instance, we are honoured to host our valued guests Hans-Martin Steiner from ATOS, Ridvan Koc from Alcan Systems and Avi Freedman from Satixfy”, says Tobias Willuhn, Program Manager Aerospace & Defense at Rohde & Schwarz.
The first event “The challenges of new space satellite constellations“ will focus on the challenges of how to plan reliable satellite links worldwide and optimize transponder usage, even for large satellite networks. Moreover, topics include production and test of small satellites, adaptive beam steering and beamforming with phased array antennas, liquid crystal based antenna designs and optimisation of beam- and cluster hopping systems.
Dr. Yvonne Weitsch, Market Segment Manager Aerospace & Defense at Rohde & Schwarz explains: “The promise of a new era in the space and satellite business – New Space – is not only based on disruptive technologies such as onboard processing, digital beamforming antennas and networks of large satellite constellations. It also proposes shorter in-orbit lifecycles with fast-paced technological evolutions, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) satellite production, and new application areas with innovative business models.”
“We are monitoring the fast-paced satellite market closely and welcome the opportunity to discuss with experts and partners from the industry suitable answers to the most challenging technical developments. The Rohde & Schwarz Satellite Industry Days provide an excellent set-up to foster exchange, discussion and mutual learning in this regard”, adds Dr. Thomas Nicolay, Vice President Aerospace & Defense Test at Rohde & Schwarz.
Registration for the free event and further information on the Satellite Industry Day Series 2022 is available at: https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/aerospace-defense/satellite-days