Camera manufacturer Basler is now offering a software solution to enhance the possibilities of microscopic imaging. Taking single images, recording videos as well as image or video sequences, becomes very simple and intuitive. The recording software even offers camera control features to improve image quality, to set up different options for recording and to use hardware trigger signals.
The Basler Video Recording Software enables the capture of slow-motion videos. Such recordings are useful for motion analysis where fast-moving objects need to be investigated. This is particularly crucial in applications like material analysis, sperm analysis or for monitoring cell transportation processes.
In addition, the software offers two options for time-lapse microscopy. Take uncompressed image sequences for further analysis and processing, or capture time-lapse videos for monitoring processes and changes in samples as well as for publications. The time interval for both images and video can be set to your needs, as well as automated start and stop of the recording.
When using a Basler Microscopy ace camera, the software even takes images or videos automatically when using hardware trigger signals. This comes in handy for many use cases and can, for example, support hands-free documentation during material inspection when using a foot-operated switch connected to the camera.
Comprehensive software features at a glance:
- Live view and camera control
- Image adjustments and automated settings
- Videos in modern MPEG-4 format
- High-speed recordings for slow-motion analysis
- Image and video sequences for time-lapse microscopy
- Image capturing with hardware trigger signal
- Easy installation and intuitive user interface
- Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 – 32 bit and 64 bit
- User-friendly software design for ease of use
The Basler Video Recording Software comes with each Basler PowerPack for Microscopy and all Basler USB 3.0 cameras can be connected. The software can be downloaded on the Basler website: www.baslerweb.com/VideoRecordingSoftware