Infinet Wireless, the global vendor of industry-leading fixed wireless broadband connectivity solutions, summarized the year 2021 to declare the current situation with ongoing COVID-19 pandemic not only didn’t influence the company’s workflow but also helped it keep thriving. Infinet Wireless is proud to say that despite all the pessimistic predictions, 2021 marked the safe return to the business track. The company reached new markets, successfully held some virtual events and took part in important industrial exhibitions.
Thus, Infinet Wireless set up the long-awaited presence in India, one of the most vibrant and emerging markets at the moment. As Infinet Wireless devices are known for their ability to operate in the harshest weather conditions, such as extremely high humidity, heavy rains and strong winds India is famous for, they are to be a good fit for this market. Work in the African market is in progress, too. The process was undoubtedly slowed down because of the pandemic, but we did really well, having a new office in Cameroon opened last year. Infinet Wireless continues growing its presence in other regions in Africa.
In the spring of 2021 Infinet Wireless held a series of online events called Infinet Wireless Tech Day 2021, exclusively designed for engineers and technical specialists in the field of wireless technology. It was a huge success and caused the attention of many prospective partners. Infinet Wireless also held a similar event for the French-speaking attendees from the countries of West Africa.
Apart from having corporate virtual events, Infinet Wireless took part in two biggest industrial happenings, Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona (Spain) and GITEX Technology Week in Dubai (UAE). Along with it, the company strengthened the presence in the American market, also returning as an exhibitor to WISPAPALOOZA, the most important industry event in the Western Hemisphere. At WISPAPALOOZA Infinet Wireless was showcasing the Evolution product family featuring the InfiLINK Evolution Point-to-Point solution and InfiMAN Evolution Point-to-Multipoint solution.
Infinet Wireless’ innovations are being backed up by the extraordinary R&D team, who capture the zeitgeist and create the most demanded products in the wireless broadband connectivity industry. It can be confirmed by the wide geography of Infinet Wireless’ installations and integrations. Creating the Smart City infrastructure in Las Condes community of Santiago de Chile, building up a radio link of 180 km to provide connectivity in challenging terrain of Indonesia, backing up the essential data of Omani company Muscat Overseas Group, spotting traffic violations on Kazakhstan’s roads, to name a few.
“Continuing adapting to the ‘new normal’, we accept the rules and demonstrate our flexibility. Infinet Wireless is proud to be a disruptive company which managed to keep being profitable. Thanks to our R&D professional team and the network of reliable partners we’re making happen the dream of many people in the world who believe in digital equity,” Dmitry Okorokov, CEO of Infinet Wireless, put it concisely.