The University of Jammu Special Purpose Vehicle foundation (UOJSPVF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI). This MOU aims to set out the framework for working relationship between Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) and University of Jammu Special Purpose Vehicle foundation (UOJSPVF) with an objective of to develop world class Centers of Excellence-CoE and Product Innovation Centre in collaboration with Industry partners that offers quality skill training ecosystem for trainees and promote innovation and startups.
It seeks to Develop Industry Integrated Programmes for various Electronics Sub Sectors under NEP in collaboration with Industry partners based on Industry demand that offers world class skill training, industry exposure through on job training /apprenticeship, multi entry –multi exit incorporating NSQF Qualification Packs as per the mandate from AICTE, UGC and other such regulatory bodies. The CoE will train and certify the Students, Startups team and faculty members and facilitate training and mentoring to students & startups by industry experts, mentors learning management systems and other learning tools developed by ESSCI.
The CoE will take up various skill development initiatives and projects for facilitating skill-based education to Promote Technology based innovations, startups and Micro Entrepreneurship and organize various events and awareness campaigns for promoting skill-based education and entrepreneurship in India.The MoU was signed by Mr. Saleem Ahmed, Vice President – Business Development on behalf of the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India and by Prof. Arvind Jasrotia, Registrar, University of Jammu and Prof. Parikshat Singh Manhas, Director & CEO University of Jammu Special Purpose Vehicle Foundation in the August presence of Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar, Vice Chancellor Jammu University and Prof. Jasbir Sing, Controller of Examinations, University of Jammu. Professor Manoj Kumar Dhar expressed great happiness on Occasion and hoped the relationship will go a long way in creating a true Industry-Academia relationship.